Monday, April 4Th, 10:08 A.M.
Mood: Pensive
Music: Aerodynamic, by Daft Punk
Accompanying yesterday's top ten, I now present for you my BOTTOM TEN LEAST favorite things.
Lets Get Started, Shall We?
1. Twilight (Shudder)
2. Anything "Teenage Vampire Romance Novel"
3. Sappy Poetry
4. The Host
5. Poorly Done Fan Fiction
6. The Prince of Tennis
7. Anything Pokemon
8. Gregor The Overlander
9. Fable Haven
10. The Vampire Diaries
(Seriously People! Vampires are blood drinking demons! No more! I Beg of You!)
1. Twilight: New Moon
2. Twilight
3. Percy Jackson
4. Anything Sports Themed
5. How to train your dragon
6. Shrek ANYTHING!
7. Pretty much anything DreamWorks (Pixar! For the Win!)
8. Scooby Doo
9. Anything with dogs playing sports
10. Anything with Clowns
1. Clowns
2. Politicians
3. Lawyers
4. Sock Puppets (Not Really People, But Still.)
5. Monkey Trainers
6. Angry Dwarfs
7. Bad Actors
8. Un-Funny Comedians
9. Stephanie Myer
10. The kid from Fable Haven.
1.Owl City2. Anything with Banjos3. All Country Music
4. Anything that Involves Animal Noises5. Almost all of The Who6. Anything that involves a Dijery Doo7. Tribal Drums
8. People who THINK they can sing
9. Poorly Done Synth
10. Sucky Music
1. The Kids from Fablehaven
2. The "Dragon" from Fablehaven
3. Harry Potter (Admit it, the kid sucks.)
4. Ron
5. Edward
6. Bella
7. Jacob
8. The Doctor from "Lost in Space"
9. Captain Crunch
10. Spongebob
1. Bad Food
2.Bad Books
3. Bad Music
4. Stupid People
5. People who THINK they are right
6. Ignorance, in all its forms
7. bad poetry
8. bad art
9. ugly people (hurt my eyes)
10. People with big cars\trucks