Mood: Thoughtful, Musical
Music: Misguided Ghost, by Paramore

I find Coldplay's music to be extremely deep and poetic. Their enchanting melodies and gloomy yet uplifting lyrics can raise my spirits, no matter how saddening any given day may be
(To listen to "Clocks", one of their more famous works, please open this link in a new window.)
My personal favorite of their collection is "Parachutes." It seems to best encompass their style, as well as their more dark and elegant songs.

(To Listen to "Shiver" ,one of my favorite tracks on this album, please open this link in a new window.)
Coldplay has a wonderful way of expressing the darker side of emotion while simultaneously bringing it into the light.
Listening to them always brings me a sense of hope and despair, sort of a mixed feeling of hope and hopelessness. It is a good feeling, sad, yet optimistic.
In my personal opinion the encompass the whole of good music, their gloom, light, lyrics, melodies, and all around talent continue to bring hope to those who appreciate good music.
Long may they live, and long may they play.
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